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Destroyer skipper sacked for misconduct (April 28)

SAN DIEGO — The former commanding officer of the destroyer Momsen has been charged with rape, sodomy and maltreatment and will be court-martialed on Friday, a Navy spokesman confirmed.

The charges stem from two alleged incidents, one with a female officer and another with a female enlisted member, both involving alcohol.

Cmdr. Jay Wylie, 40, who commanded the Everett, Wash.-based ship until he was fired April 27, is scheduled to appear in a courtroom at Naval Base San Diego and has been charged with one count of rape, two counts of aggravated sexual assault, two counts of abusive sexual contact, one count of sodomy, two counts of maltreatment, three counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and four counts of violating general orders, according to the charge sheet.

According to the charges, the first incident occurred Dec. 31 in a bar during the ship's liberty visit to the Seychelles town of Victoria. Wylie "became publically intoxicated, ... made unwanted sexual advances and engaged in an unwanted sexual contact with ... a junior officer," the charges state.

Wylie had "unduly familiar conduct" and made "unwelcomed sexual advances ... and contact" with the female officer, according to the charges, by "rubbing her shoulders, leaning against her and pinning her to a bar, requesting that she kiss him, attempting to kiss her, putting his hand up her dress and inside her underwear."

Wylie encouraged the junior officer "not to report" the incident, the charges state.

Four months later, on April 25 and while Momsen was at Naval Magazine Indian Island, Wash., a "publicly intoxicated" Wylie coaxed an enlisted woman into his cabin aboard the ship, according to the charges.

Wylie allegedly engaged in "unduly familiar conduct" and made "unwelcomed sexual advances ... and contact" with the sailor by "brushing his hand on her shoulder, requesting that she come home with him, placing his hand on the small of her back, escorting her to his cabin, grabbing her shirt, kissing her" and placing his hand and mouth on her genitals.

Two days after that alleged incident, Wylie was fired by Rear Adm. Mark Guadagnini, commander of the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, due to "loss of confidence in his ability to command stemming from allegations of misconduct."

Wylie, of Glendale, Calif., was commissioned in 1992 and had taken command of the ship on July 8, 2010, and led the destroyer on a deployment to 5th Fleet, where it joined in counter-piracy and maritime security operations. He previously had served as executive officer of the destroyer Kidd.

Wylie has been serving as a staff officer with Cruiser Destroyer Readiness Directorate at Naval Surface Forces in Coronado, Calif., a force spokesman said.

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