Welcome to the new and improved MilitaryTimes.com.

We've updated our site to provide you with an enhanced user experience — cleaner design, improved navigation, more multimedia content, without sacrificing the in-depth news coverage that our audience has come to expect. In fact, the new site promises to improve our ability to bring you the news and analysis that matters, with great flexibility and avenues for storytelling.

A few of the things you can expect:

The cleaner, more organized layout features more accessible navigation. Drop-down and slide-out menus help you find the content that interests you.

The new website's responsive design will adjust to any screen size, giving you the same great experience, wherever you peruse content.

With the endless scroll on article pages, you'll see related content immediately, without having to return to the home screen.

Expect more enhancements in coming weeks, as we too become as acquainted with our new and improved digital experience. And as always, we welcome your feedback:  feedback@militarytimes.com.

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