Tell us: What do you think of the Navy ship name, the USS Fallujah?We want to know what you think of the name. Vote in our poll here.2 years ago
Tell us: Where was your favorite Marine expeditionary unit stop?We are in the market for reviews, epic stories and even photos from your favorite Marine Corps MEU stops for a future story.3 years ago
Tell us: What do you think about the Marine Corps’ new tattoo policy?Marines and veterans — it’s your time to sound off on the Corps’ new tattoo policy. Here's how:
Veterans, tell us: Where were you during the 1983 Beirut barracks attack?We don’t want to lose your memories or the important stories that could be told about that day and its aftermath.
Marine who demanded ‘accountability’ via social media pleads guilty to all charges His sentence was debated Thursday afternoon.
Tell us: Is your Marine Corps unit having a birthday ball?How do you feel about it? Veterans, how are you celebrating?
Marine relieved for viral video now says he’s resigning his commissionLt. Col. Stuart Scheller released a second video Sunday doubling down on calls for accountability, and apparently resigning his commission.
Here are the names of the 13 U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan attackThirteen U.S. service members died Thursday in Kabul, Afghanistan, supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.
As Marine gears up for Olympic match, the Corps is disbanding its standing wrestling team Staff Sgt. John Stefanowicz Jr. will be the last man standing for the current All-Marine Wrestling team.
Marine Raider gunny busted to private but no discharge in Green Beret hazing deathGunnery Sgt. Mario Madera-Rodriguez was the final of four co-defendants to be sentenced for the strangulation death of Army Green Beret Staff Sgt. Logan Melgar.
Marine private first class dies during grueling final boot camp event Pfc. Dalton Beals passed away on Friday.
Marine Corps Marathon returns in October — in personThe event is also looking for active lifestyle social media influencers to participate.