Joe Gould was the senior Pentagon reporter for Defense News, covering the intersection of national security policy, politics and the defense industry. He had previously served as Congress reporter.
President Trump sided with Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries Tuesday in a deepening diplomatic crisis with Qatar, casting a cloud over a $21.1 billion sale Boeing is counting on to keep open its F-15 production line.
A diplomatic rift between Qatar and four Gulf neighbors shows why a military union to fight terrorism and push back against Iran is easier said than done.
The Pentagon is asking Congress for $1.8 billion to continue an Obama administration program to train and equip Iraqi and Syrian forces to fight against the Islamic State and resist a major commitment of U.S. ground troops.
The Trump administration is seeking a new military base closing round in fiscal 2021 under its new budget proposal, but a key GOP lawmaker is shooting it down while a key Democrat is supporting it.
Trump’s budget also proposes an end to Obama’s signature counterterrorism training program, amid criticism from Capitol Hill it was too broad to be effective.
A day before the Trump White House is set to announce a 2018 federal budget proposal with $603 billion for national security, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry dissed that number as “basically the Obama approach.” At $603 billion, it would exceed Obama administration projections by $18.5 billion.
U.S. lawmakers worry the growing controversy over alleged Russian ties to the Trump administration is threatening to consume Congress — with federal spending on defense and the GOP's agenda hanging in the balance.
US President Donald Trump missed his campaign promise to offer a bill to "eliminate the defense sequester” within the first 100 days of his administration, but hawkish Republican lawmakers are pressing ahead.