The most popular schools chosen by current service members tapping their Tuition Assistance benefits includes a mix of public, private and for-profit institutions, according to a Military Times analysis of the most recent TA data from the Defense Department.
Military Times compiled the Pentagon data to show which schools were selected by the most service members for fiscal year 2019, the most recent year for which data is available.
Overall last year, about 220,000 troops from the four services under the Defense Department used Tuition Assistance benefits, which provide education benefits for service members who are currently serving in uniform.
In total, the Defense Department spent more than $492 million to pay for the the benefit that is available to most troops.
Below is a list of the top 50 schools that enrolled troops from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps using Tuition Assistance benefits, ranked based on the number of troops attending each school during the year.