Soldiers watch an Air America helicopter land in Ban Hat Bay, Laos, 1961. (Wisconsin Historical Images 32770)Marines wade across a river near Da Nang, ca. 1965. (Wisconsin Historical Images 75425)A U.S. paratrooper receives first aid from U.S. military police and a Brazilian officer while he waits for medics after being shot through the thigh by a rebel, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 1965. (Wisconsin Historical Images 115429)Marines wait to load helicopters, 1965. (Wisconsin Historical Images 115597)Soldiers riding in the back of a military transport truck along a hillside road, ca. 1961-65. (Wisconsin Historical Images 115592)Marine radiomen in the field checking their equipment, 1965. (Wisconsin Historical Images 115595)A boat crew off-loads a wounded man onto a hospital ship, 1945. (Wisconsin Historical Images 58816)Vietnamese children respond to mortar fire, ca. 1961-62. This image originally appeared in National Geographic in 1962. (National Geographic; Wisconsin Historical Images ID 115436)Marine crew chief Nelson West and South Vietnamese soldiers patrol an area near Vinh Quoi. This photograph originally appeared in National Geographic in 1962 and was awarded the 1963 Photograph of the Year award by the National Press Photographers Association. (National Geographic; Wisconsin Historical Images 115636)U.S. airmen in Guam work on a B-29 that has just returned from its first bombing raid over Tokyo, 1945. (Wisconsin Historical Images ID 85331)A squadron of Marine helicopters flies over Vietnam, ca. 1964. This image originally appeared in National Geographic in 1966. (National Geographic; Wisconsin Historical Images ID 86877).