Behind each devastating death in the military community is a family left to grieve an immense loss. Standing behind these military and veteran survivors is the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), the national nonprofit organization that has — for 30 years — been the trusted source for immediate and peer-based emotional support, assistance in accessing benefits, and survivor advocacy. TAPS works closely with the survivors it serves, members of Congress, state and local governments, and federal stakeholders — including the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs — to advocate for the needs of military and veteran survivors and advance policy that impacts their lives after unspeakable loss.

TAPS will be joined on Capitol Hill by surviving families from all over the country from Sept. 23-26 for TAPS Gold Star Families Advocacy Week. Survivors as young as 8 years old will share with members of the House and Senate how they have been personally impacted by the issues below — TAPS’ legislative priorities. Their powerful stories will lead the way to change for the entire military survivor community.

Pass Comprehensive Remarriage Legislation

The Love Lives On Act is a top legislative priority for TAPS. It seeks to secure surviving military spouses’ right to remarry at any age and retain their survivor benefits. The Love Lives On Act would:

● Allow surviving spouses to retain their benefits upon remarriage at any age (removing the current age requirement, 55). This includes the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), and education benefits under the Fry Scholarship and Dependents Education Assistance (DEA).

● Allow remarried surviving spouses to regain their TRICARE benefits if their remarriage ends due to death, divorce, or annulment.

● Remove the “Hold Themselves Out to Be Remarried” clause.

Improve Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for Eligible Surviving Spouses

TAPS continues to work with Congress to pass the Caring for Survivors Act, which would bring Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) payments in line with benefits for surviving spouses of federal employees. DIC is a tax-free monetary benefit paid to eligible survivors of military service members who died in the line of duty or from a service-connected injury or illness. TAPS continues to work with Congress to:

● Increase DIC from 43 percent to 55 percent the rate of compensation paid to a 100 percent disabled veteran.

● Reduce the timeframe a veteran needs to be rated totally disabled from 10 to five years, expanding DIC eligibility.

Provide Tricare and Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) Young Adult Coverage in Parity with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

TAPS supports the Health Care Fairness for Military Families Act, which would allow TRICARE young adults to remain on their parent’s policy up to age 26 without a premium increase, and TAPS seeks to expand coverage for eligible surviving children up to age 26 through the passage of the CHAMPVA Children’s Care Protection Act. TAPS is committed to working with Congress to:

● Pass the CHAMPVA Children’s Care Protection Act to ensure surviving families with young adults have access to affordable health care and mental health benefits.

● Pass the Health Care Fairness for Military Families Act, which would allow TRICARE young adults to remain on their parent’s policy up to age 26 without a premium increase.