WASHINGTON -- Lawmakers will host a series of leaders from the military’s combatant commands this week as they wrangle with budget questions for 2017 and 2018.

On Tuesday, the leaders of U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Special Operations Command and U.S. European Command will make separate appearances before the House and Senate, detailing their challenges from external threats and from internal budget pressures.

The conversations come as lawmakers face another deadline at the end of the week to approve a short-term budget for the remainder of fiscal 2017 or trigger a partial government shutdown. Facing a similar deadline last week, lawmakers approved a one-week budget.

Also on Capitol Hill this week, VA Secretary David Shulkin will testify about his budget priorities for next year, just a day after the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee considers legislation to fix issues with the benefits appeals process, an issue VA leadership has lobbied lawmakers on for more than a year.


Senate Armed Services -- 9:30 a.m. -- Dirksen G50
U.S. Transportation Command
TRANSCOM head Gen. Darren McDew will testify before the committee on threats and challenges facing his command.

House Armed Services  -- 10 a.m. -- Rayburn 2118
Special Operations forces
SOCCOM head Gen. Raymond Thomas III will testify before the committee on challenges facing his command.

House Veterans Affairs -- 10 a.m. -- Cannon 334
Appeals legislation
The committee will consider legislation to modernize the VA benefits claims appeals process.

Senate Foreign Relations -- 10 a.m. -- Dirksen 419
The committee will consider the nomination of Terry Branstad to serve as the new ambassador to China.

House Veterans Affairs -- 2 p.m. -- Cannon 334
Lower extremity conditions
The subcommittee on health will examine issues with care of lower extremity conditions at VA facilities.

Senate Appropriations -- 2:30 p.m. -- Dirksen 214
U.S. European Command
The committee will hear from U.S. European Command officials on emerging threats and the progress of the European Reassurance Initiative.

House Armed Services  -- 3:30 p.m. -- Rayburn 2118
Sexual harassment
Military officials will testify before the committee on the annual report on sexual harassment and violence at the military service academies.


House Appropriations -- 10 a.m. -- Rayburn 2359
VA budget
VA Secretary David Shulkin will testify before the committee on his department’s budget request for fiscal 2018.

Senate Armed Services -- 10 a.m. -- Russell 222
Defense laboratories
Defense officials will testify before the committee on the importance of military laboratories and their impact on readiness.

Senate Foreign Relations -- 10 a.m. -- Dirksen 419
Global philanthropy
The committee will hear from outside analysts on the importance of philanthropy and remittances in international development efforts.  

Senate Appropriations -- 10:30 a.m. -- Dirksen 192
Defense funding
Pentagon officials will testify before the committee on defense innovation and research funding.

Senate Armed Services -- 2:30 p.m. -- Russell 222
Military personnel rules
Officials from the Bipartisan Policy Commission Task Force on Defense Personnel will testify on potential changes to military personnel rules.

House Armed Services -- 3:30 p.m. -- Rayburn 2118
Littoral combat ships
The subcommittee on seapower will hear from Navy officials on littoral combat ships and the transition to frigate class.


Senate Armed Services -- 9:30 a.m. -- Dirksen G50
U.S. Special Operations Command
SOCCOM head Gen. Raymond Thomas III will testify before the committee on challenges facing his command.

Senate Appropriations -- 10:30 a.m. -- Dirksen 124
VA telemedicine
VA officials will testify before the committee on the expansion of telehealth services.


Leo Shane III covers Congress, Veterans Affairs and the White House for Military Times. He can be reached at lshane@militarytimes.com.

Leo covers Congress, Veterans Affairs and the White House for Military Times. He has covered Washington, D.C. since 2004, focusing on military personnel and veterans policies. His work has earned numerous honors, including a 2009 Polk award, a 2010 National Headliner Award, the IAVA Leadership in Journalism award and the VFW News Media award.

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