The Army has announced the upcoming rotations of three brigade combat teams that will deploy to overseas locations this summer.

The BCTs will replace units now deployed as part of regular rotations, the Army said on Friday.

The deployments this summer:

  • The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, will deploy to Afghanistan to support Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.

The 3rd BCT will replace the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, the Army announcement said.

“Our great paratroopers are honored to answer our nation’s call to deploy overseas,” said Col. Art Sellers, commander of the 3rd BCT, 82nd Airborne. “We stand eager and ready to work alongside our Afghan and coalition partners toward mission success in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.”

  • The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, will deploy to South Korea.

The 3rd ABCT will replace the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, as part of the regular rotation of forces in support of the Republic of Korea.

“The Greywolf Brigade is a highly trained and professional team of Soldiers always ready to answer our nation’s call,” Col. Kevin Capra, commander of the 3rd ABCT, 1st Cavalry said in a release. “Greywolf is no stranger to the Republic of Korea, having sent the U.S. Army’s first rotational battalion there in 2014. We look forward to once again working with our Korean partners and strengthening our nation’s alliance. After months of intense training, I know our troopers are ready and able to support this mission.”

  • The 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, U.S. Army Alaska, out of Fort Wainwright, Alaska, will go to Iraq.

The 1st SBCT will replace the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, to support Operation Inherent Resolve.

“The Arctic Wolves are trained, equipped and exceptionally well led at echelon. The brigade has readied itself for any mission,” said Col. Matthew W. Brown, commander of the 1st SBCT, 25th ID. “We are privileged to be joining the international coalition that will defeat ISIS and set conditions for increased regional stability.”

Kathleen Curthoys is editor of Army Times. She has been an editor at Military Times for 20 years, covering issues that affect service members. She previously worked as an editor and staff writer at newspapers in Columbus, Georgia; Huntsville, Alabama; Bloomington, Indiana; Monterey, California and in Germany.

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