
I guess Ares called it the RAD because RDPC doesn't sound as rad. Well, there's plenty of cool in the RAD (Rapid Armor Deployment) pack. It's a plate carrier disguised as a bookbag/backpack. It looks like it might fit someone's mission profile out there. Heck, if your local public school has metal detectors, get one for the kids. In the video, watch Dimitri, from Ares, deploy the system with hard plates installed. He isn't messing with the waist straps just to illustrate how quickly the system can be deployed in extremis. I guess you'd snap the front panel to the rear after a break in the initial contact.

From the Ares site: The Rapid Armor Deployment Pack is intended to allow one to become a true Sheepdog. You can go from being an average unnoticed citizen and in under 2 seconds deploy a full armor system with a weapon giving you an unexpected advantage over would be shooters or assailants. The Ares Armor RAD Pack features: Molle on the front plate pocket to allow for customized setups Able to accept Front and back armor plates. (not included) Easy lock down system to secure front plate to you should you need to shoot and move. The ability to blend into society. There is no Molle or other military style construction on the externals of the RAD Pack. A back pocket that is fully functional as a normal pack for storage of items away from the weapon. Comes with universal pistol holster

Patents Pending Ares Armor R.A.D. (Rapid Armor Deployment) Pack is the next level of concealed weapon carry. Pre-Order Item. Shipping Late February We will not be displaying detailed images of this pack to protect the customers of this item.  For a limited time it's $229.95

Longer and more detailed video after the break.


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