By combining a bullpup action and a revolving magazine, the length of the Six12 is decreased and ergonomics are improved dramatically over a traditional Masterkey style breeching gun. The Six12 is not a pump action. The trigger is a double action that spins the chamber, extends a chamber collar and fires the round in one pull. The magazine holds six 3" 12 gauge rounds and fires them through a 12.5" barrel.
Six12 will come in three configurations. The first is a the 12" breaching configuration that mounts under an AR hanguard using picatinny rail. This version is an NFA item and will require a tax stamp for civillian purchase.
The second version is identical to the breaching configuration except for it's 18" barrel which makes it a easier to purchase as a non-NFA item. Mounted on AR, the 18" Six12's barrel extends barely an inch past the muzzle of a 16" barrel. The last version is a standalone shotgun with a 22" barrel, pistol grip and shoulder stock.
Pricing is not yet available on the Six12 system and it's not expected to hit dealers before the summer. Interestingly, the gun is manufactured in Crye's factory in Brooklyn, NY. According to Crye, they may be the only FFL manufacturing firearms in New York City in this century.