Noveske Rifleworks announced the arrival of Tim Dillon as their new President and Chief Executive Officer this week just as longtime Noveske 2IC Sheri Johnson quietly left her position as the rifle and firearm part manufacturer's general manager.
Among other positions, Dillon spent 20 years at Brownell's, leaving as their director of operations in 2008 and was the president and CEO of STI International from 2010 until 2014.
"Not only does he bring extensive knowledge of business within the firearms industry, he observantly respects and understands the history of Noveske," said company owner Lorina Noveske about Dillon. "Mr. Dillon possesses a character that will perpetuate the unique quality and culture of this company, and will capture the enthusiasm of our wonderful customer base."
Johnson joined Noveske in 2004. She was promoted to general manager in March, 2013 during a restructuring of the company following the untimely death of Novekse Rifleworks LLC founder Johnny Noveske in January, 2013.
"I could never have left that place not knowing that it was in good hands," said Johnson, "that place is too precious to me; it's been my life's goal and I've pumped my soul into that place."
Johnson leaves Noveske to start a new enterprise, EraThr3 with former Noveske Rifleworks president Sterling Becklin and Jason Hulst, a former designer with Disney and a custom car maker. EraThr3 will be a lifestyle company producing products that embrace firearm culture without the tactical edge.
She characterizes her departure in personal terms. "I miss the garage days," Johnson said, referring to the early days at Novekse. She said she hopes starting her own company will bring that excitement back for her.
"With Dillon coming on board it's a great time for me to have a fresh start," Johnson continued. "He has all new perspectives and ideas that I think are going to take [Noveske] places it's never been to before. And, it allows me a clean break to do what I've always wanted to do; own and operate my own business on my own terms."
Dillon's prior experience running Brownell's and STI International will serve the growing company well.
"I knew shortly after Lorina Noveske and I talked of bringing me on board, that this is a company that understands and shares my ideals of quality manufacturing and superior customer service," said Dillon. "I feel honored to be a part of the Noveske Rifleworks family, and very proud to have the opportunity to bring this company to continued levels of success."
Dillon takes over the Noveske brand as the company continues to grow and adapt to a changing customer demographic. Noveske's success was built on a foundation of technical innovation demanded by military and law enforcement customers, but that reputation has brought with it a new, much larger customer base made up of firearm enthusiasts.
Noveske Rifleworks, formed by John Noveske in 2001, is known for its rifles that feature an extended life competition grade barrel, improved 5.56mm chamber, KX3 muzzle device, the Switchblock gas block system and the NSR lightweight rail system.