We’ve told you why we love the Air Force, why we love the Army, the only fair thing to do next is tell you why we love the Navy. The gentlemen and ladies in the Cracker Jack uniform catch a lot of flak from all different directions, but the truth is no other Navy comes close to ours. Not even the once-famed British navy is able to compete with the might and power the United States Navy is able to project the world over. So what makes the U.S. Navy so much better than everyone else?

1. Aircraft carriers

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 approaches the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) on Jul 28, 2017, for an arrested landing. (Erik Hildebrandt/Navy)

We’ve got 10 legitimate supercarriers and have just recently taken delivery of the 11th, the brand new Gerald R. Ford class supercarrier which they deem to be operational by 2020, so technically we have 11 right now. Each carrier battle group has with it an array of powerful and complimentary ships. Just one carrier battle group could decimate most countries with the exceptions like Russia or China. Everyone else though, one of our 11 carrier battle groups could send you to Davy Jones’ locker. If you get too aggressive we just may send two or three.

2. Corpsman

A hospital corpsman receives a Fleet Marine Force Enlisted Warfare Specialist badge Aug. 14, 2015. (Lance Cpl. Abraham Lopez/Marine Corps)

What would Marines do without our corpsman? In all honesty, from picking fights with each other to dangerous reptiles in the Mojave Desert, Marines would probably kill each other or kill themselves doing dumb shit before they ever got to go to war if it weren’t for the corpsman (trust me, I’m a Marine — it’s true). We all make jokes about Doc, but the truth about Doc is that we’re just jealous. Docs have the sharpest skates and can always get out of bullshit working parties (it’s no party, it sucks) by going to BAS. At the end of the day, nobody is loved and hated at the same time more than Doc.

3. You used to have battleships

A bow view of the battleship USS Iowa (BB-61) firing its Mark 7 16-inch/50-caliber guns off the starboard side during a fire power demonstration. (Navy)

We talked about this before guys, nothing tells our enemies to bother someone else like 16-inch guns thundering away on the high seas. Naval bombardment is just an awesome thing to witness and we’re betting a terrifying thing to experience on the receiving end. We’re not sure how many more times we’re going to have to write about bringing them back until the Navy does, but we’ll keep trying because battleships make the world a better place.

4. Blue Angels

The U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, fly in formation over Lake Washington while performing at an airshow Aug. 6, 2016, during Seattle's 67th annual Seafair Fleet Week. (MC3 Erickson B. Magno/Navy)

Don’t tell the Air Force we said this, but we think the Blue Angels put on a much more entertaining show than the Thunderbirds. They fly lower and faster, and the F/A-18 Hornet is one of our favorite planes of all time. We wanted to be pilots once flying the Hornets, but then we found out we can’t math. Plus, we love that color scheme, too. Go Navy!

5. SEALs

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUDs) students participate in Surf Passage in 2014 at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, Calif. (MC1 Michael Russell/Navy)

SEALs get a lot of crap talked about them despite how badass they are. Jokes about hair gel and balancing stuff on their nose abound. However, these guys deserve a lot of credit, they are basically born with a set of gills and flippers for feet. The things this nation asks them to do are almost unreal. From braving the cold Pacific waters off of Coronado Island, where Great White sharks are known to frolic, to facing the enemy on the Sea, Air, or Land (see what we did there?), you won’t find a SEAL that is afraid of much. You’ll always find them running towards the sound of gunfire to wreak havoc on the bad guys!

Originally published by American Grit. Read more from American Grit here:

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

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