“The Kill Team" is a 2013 documentary detailing a series of murders by U.S. soldiers that took place during a 2010 deployment to Afghanistan’s Maywand District.
Now, the first trailer for a feature film bearing the same name has arrived.
Directed by filmmaker Dan Krauss, who also wrote and directed the 2013 documentary, the 2019 film highlights the psychological turmoil encountered by whistleblowers who sought to expose the murder of at least three innocent Afghan civilians by members of 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, and 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division.
Alexander Skarsgård (“Generation Kill”) stars as Sgt. Deeks, a platoon leader who instructs his soldiers in staging the murder of civilians as combat fatalities, actions that contribute to a deteriorating moral psyche of Pvt. Andrew Briggman, played by Nat Wolff (“The Fault in Our Stars”).
Briggman — the factual names from the documentary have been altered for the 2019 film — is a character representation of Adam Winfield, a specialist who alerted his father during his deployment of the first murder via Facebook chat, igniting an investigation that eventually convicted soldiers of crimes for murder, collecting body parts as trophies, and drug use.
Winfield was sentenced to three years for involuntary manslaughter after he pleaded guilty to witnessing, but failing to intervene, in the murder of Mullah Adahdad.
2019′s “The Kill Team,” produced by studio A24, has been given an Oct. 25 release date.
J.D. Simkins is the executive editor of Military Times and Defense News, and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War.