Nothing says military quite like having the ends of your pants coiled neatly around the edges of your ankles. And while blousing your boots may serve the purpose of keeping your slacks from flapping in the wind, loose fabric from catching while jumping out of an aircraft, or just keeping dirt from finding its way between your toes, the act of securing the bottoms of your trousers can be hard work.
Luckily, the internet, in all its vastness, has you covered. There’s nothing troops love more than a good old fashioned life hack. So here are a few tips to have you blousing your boots like a pro.
1. The sock roll method
This is perhaps the simplest solution, as it requires no extraneous material. You simply fold your pants into the sock and roll them back down.
2. The tie and foldover method
An elaborate hack, you’ll need ties, time and tenacity to blouse your boots this way. However, the reward is in the work here as it’s likely through the use of this method that you’ll never get any sand in your shoes.
3. The bungee tuck method
If you have them at your disposal, blousing bungee chords will certainly get the job done. And as the poster notes, you won’t have any of that pesky slouching if you take the time to pull down your pants and hike those trousers tails a little higher.
4. The secret seamstress method
If you are a wizard with a sewing kit, you can take you tuck to the next level by stitching blousing straps right into the seams of your pants.
Happy blousing!
Just remember that once you get out of the military, it’s not cool to tuck your trousers anymore. Let those flaps fly free in the wind.
Sarah Sicard is a Senior Editor with Military Times. She previously served as the Digitial Editor of Military Times and the Army Times Editor. Other work can be found at National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose, and Defense News.
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