Tired of being trapped in the gym? Break free of the machines with columnist Bob Thomas' low-equipment Military Muscle leg workout. Bob writes:

You really can do leg exercises without the isolation-style or massive leg press machines found in most gyms. No more leg extension or leg curl machines. No need to find a leg abductor/adductor combo or hoist a 45-pound Olympic bar.

The minimum requirement for this workout is a closed-loop band, one dumbbell — men should start with 30 pounds, women 15 pounds — and a physio ball.


Get Bob's workout here.

In the studio for this workout was Army Reserve Capt. Ryan Hanna.

Ryan, 29, is the demonstrator — and designer and creator — for the exercises on Sworkit, an app that generates a workout based on how much time you have. Users choose a time frame and which part of their body to target, and the app will take you through 30-second intervals of randomized exercises.

Read more about Sworkit here.

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