Here at PT365, we practice what we preach. So if we give you Run Plans, you can bet we'll be following them, too.

PT365 contributors Sara Davidson and Rachel Barth will follow Dr. Mark's marathon training plan with an eye toward the Marine Corps Marathon in October. They'll start training on Monday and will blog weekly about hurdles and victories, great new gear and other training topics.

Are you training for a fall race and planning to follow the Run Plans? We'd like to hear about your experiences -- the good and the bad -- as you get closer to the finish line. Write to us at and tell us your name, rank and duty station (if applicable) and which race you plan to run. You can also check in on our Facebook page.

Sara Davidson

I'm an ultramarathoner, which means I walk hills, hate track workouts and think beer is an appropriate recovery drink. But while I regularly run 26.2 mile-training runs, running an actual marathon usually leaves me feeling like I've been hit by a truck.

This fall I'm going to follow Dr. Mark's marathon training plan to get ready for the Marine Corps Marathon in October. I need to shake up my training, and the Run Plans will be the perfect trigger to start fresh. My main goal is to get to the marathon healthy and rested. My other goal -- which never changes -- is not to throw up on my shoes.

I'd love to run a sub-4 marathon, and I'm optimistic Dr. Mark's plan can get me there. Stay tuned ...

Rachel Barth

I started running two years ago after the birth of my second child, and have run a few 5Ks, 10Ks and half-marathons since then. This will be my first time training for, and running, a marathon, and I'm scared!

I'm a registered yoga teacher, and am going to keep up my yoga practice as I follow Dr. Mark's running plan. I'm hoping that the combination of the two will make for a (mostly) pain-free and enjoyable 16-weeks. I love running once I find my groove, but it's always a bit of a struggle to motivate myself out the door. I'm also hoping that Dr. Mark's plan will make running more enjoyable for me by improving my overall fitness. As a working mother with a lot of time constraints, it's important that any plan I follow not be too time-consuming, and I'm glad this one is reasonable.

My goal for the marathon is to finish wanting to run another. I would call that a great success!

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