This is a total-body workout, so you must do a total-body warm-up.

Do 10 reps each of:

1. Sandbag clean and press

Men, 40 pounds; women 20 to 25 pounds. If you're unfamiliar with "clean and press," enlist a trainer's help.

2. Step-ups

Do five reps on each leg for a total of 10. Use a 20- to 24-inch box as the step platform. It's important to stand fully erect with both feet on top of the box, then step down off the box. To add intensity, hold a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells (your choice on the weight).


Pullups: Set up with palms facing away from you.

Photo Credit: Hlib Shabashnyi/Getty Images/iStockphoto

ID=300473913. Pullups

Set up with palms facing away from you. If you can't do a full-body pullup, use an assist machine or bands.

4. Double leg lifts

Lie on the floor, hands under your glutes. Lift both legs until they're vertical. Lower to within an inch of the floor, then repeat the lift. Add intensity with ankle weights.

5. Squats

Rotate at your hips as you descend — slowly — and let your back come forward naturally. Try to get your knees as close to 90 degrees as possible. Keep your feet flat on the floor during the evolution, especially in the raise (which does not have to be slow). If you can't keep your feet flat on the ground, try widening them, but do not go up on your toes.

6. Dips

I would rather you not use a bench with your heels on the floor for this; it rotates your shoulder joint and can cause injury. Use the dip machine or handles that are probably on your pullup assist machine.

man workout posture Body Building Exercises weight training

Walking lunges: Add intensity by holding a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells.

Photo Credit: OSTILL/Getty Images/iStockphoto

ID=300473877. Walking lunges

Do five reps on each leg for a total of 10. Add intensity by holding a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells. Make sure you touch the knee of your back leg to the floor. Do not push back off your forward heel when recovering from the lunge. You want the pressure on the quad and glute of the forward leg, which means rising straight up vertically out of the lunge. Try it, and you'll see the difference.

8. Pushups

Keep your hands at shoulder width and lower your body until your upper arms are parallel with the floor. Keeping your trunk straight is critical here. Your eyes should look slightly forward. If you can't do full pushups, try them on an angle, such as using a bench for hand placement, and keeping your body straight, rather than doing pushups with knees on the floor.

Add intensity by executing diamond pushups with hands touching on the floor directly under your chest or decline pushups in which your feet are above your body line, such as on a bench.

Male athlete in a sportswear doing push ups

Pushups: Keep your hands at shoulder width and lower your body until your upper arms are parallel with the floor.

Photo Credit: Ljupco/Getty Images/iStockphoto

9. Calf raises

Stand erect with your feet about five inches apart. Come up on your toes and hold for a two-count. You can also use a board or a step. This gives a bit more stretch to the Achilles, so be careful, especially when using a step. Add intensity by holding a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells.

10. 4-count burpees

I always like to finish with a cardio blast, and you can always count on burpees to deliver. Start in a standing position. The counts are:

  1. Drop down so that your hands touch the floor right in front of your feet.
  2. Shoot your feet directly behind you so that you end in pushup position.
  3. Bring your feet back directly behind your hands.
  4. Jump up in the air, returning directly to position 1; then repeat the process.

Ramp up not only by using the suggestions I gave but also by doing multiple rounds or setting a time and doing as many rounds as possible. Enjoy this, and remember that during the summer months it's especially important to stay hydrated.

Bob Thomas is director of the Navy Wellness Center in Pensacola, Fla.

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