When asked what causes the most stress when it comes to military moves, service members and families most often hit the same note: Money.
So, while tips on the move itself abound, here are some words of wisdom from the Air Force’s 21st Comptroller Squadron, out of Colorado’s Peterson Air Force Base, that might help with your next PCS move. The full breakdown (including several Air Force-specific tips) lives here. Some highlights:
- The paper trail: Keep every receipt throughout your travels. Even items that don’t qualify for reimbursement could qualify for a tax deduction ... or simply help you keep a handle on your personal financial records. Have everything in a safe place (physically, digitally or both) and bring the lot when you need to address any claims issues in person.
- Don’t delay. Putting off replying to an email or message from your finance office can only cause trouble. If there’s a debt issue (a housing-allowance overpayment, for instance), you could owe interest, or waiting to act could cost you the chance to apply for a time-sensitive waiver or remissions package. If there’s an error in your favor, you could be delaying a welcome, and unexpected, bonus.
- Make your updates. Systems vary by service (the comptrollers highlight the Air Force’s LeaveWeb and the more common MyPay), but regardless of where your personnel information lives in the digital world, break out your common access card and get current. Any number of financial issues and delays can arise if those details are out of date.

Check out more money-related moving tips here.
Kevin Lilley is the features editor of Military Times.