[SHOT Show 2015 update: AAC did not have a Honey Badger on display at their SHOT Show booth. I spoke with ROC's Carlos Martinez who said AAC is in the process of further refining its product line and, at the moment, the only place to find the LVAW/Honey Badger is in the Remington Defense booth. It sounds to me like the commercial release of the Honey Badger has gone from, "it'll happen; eventually" to "don't get your hopes up."]
The Honey Badger is coming, and this is what it might look like. Remington Outdoor Company Tactical Accessories Director Jeff Still and Senior Product Manager for silencers, Carlos Martinez confirmed Advanced Armament will bring the Honey Badger to the commercial market. They hinted at a release around the 2015 NRA annual show, but didn't offer a price or an exact configuration. They did show the semi-auto version of the 300 AAC Blackout carbine shown above with AAC's new Squaredrop handguard, though. The new handguard attaches to the barrel nut using a turnbuckle.
While I didn't shoot this version, I did run the Gunsite Scrambler a few times using an earlier version sporting the Remington Accessory Hand Guard equipped with Magpul's MBUS Pro folding iron sights. The gun ran like a champ in semi-auto, and had no issues digesting a mag with the selector in the third position.
Sidenote: Those Magpul MBUS sights are small, robust and reliable. I love them. But, they are peep sights. Using them this week made me remember that lining up a black sight post through a black outlined peep hole on a shadowy target in fading light is a slow process. In an age when we're spoiled by red dots sights and other excellent optics, it's easy to take BUISs for granted. I'm making a pledge to shoot irons a lot more so I stay proficient and comfortable with them in a variety of conditions. Zeroing them on the square range in favorable light doesn't count as practice time.
Thanks to Jonathan Owen from Special Hog Weapons and Tactics for the pic of me below. Please check out his site: www.shwat.com.