Former national security adviser John Bolton’s lawyer described the government’s efforts to block the book as part of a “politically motivated order” by Trump.
"The Other Face of Battle" reminds us that "irregular" or "asymmetrical" warfare is now not the exception but the rule. Understanding its roots seems more crucial than ever.
By Wayne E. Lee, David L. Preston, Anthony E. Carlson, and David Silbey
In this book you’ll learn what many other common sense leaders across the ages have learned before us: How to Live, Learn, and Lead the “Common Sense Way.”
After a 20-year research campaign, the authors reveal the intricacies of the Legion’s history in order to set the record straight, particularly regarding the air operations launched by this unique force.
A lifetime of flying, going back to his days as a 21-year-old bomber pilot in Italy and flying secret missions with the OSS, is recounted in “Special Duties Pilot.”
The incredible World War II saga of the German-Jewish commandos who fought in Britain’s most secretive special-forces unit — but whose story has gone untold until now.