Sailor charged in fellow sailor’s death in patrol boat incidentThe accused sailor faces charges that include negligent homicide, making a false official statement and dereliction of duty.3 months ago
US special ops cuts armed overwatch buy, still needs to justify needU.S. Special Operations Command cut down its desired purchase of the Sky Warden, but officials still need to justify the need, says a government watchdog.By Todd South6 months ago
Beale AFB picked to host new battle management squadronA new squadron at Beale AFB, California, will handle the battle management data collected by manned aircraft, drones and other military systems.By Courtney Mabeus-Brown12 months ago
Sea bag tanker jacket, boat cloak for women proposed for Marine uniformsThe commandant made one recommendation before voting got underway: to eliminate the requirement for women to wear pantyhose with dress uniform skirts.By Hope Hodge Seck13 months ago
US Navy sinks Houthi small boats during hijack attempt in Red Sea U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire, sinking three of the four boats and killing the crews.14 months ago
Five special warfare sailors injured in boat training mishapThree of the five had been released from local hospitals as of Friday afternoon, officials said.By Geoff Ziezulewicz21 months ago