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Vietnam veterans recount their missions through the deadly jungle
Veterans of the Vietnam War’s long-range reconnaissance patrols recount their missions through the jungle, where they faced far more than just the enemy.
By Staff Reports
Vietnam vets recall what it was like to lose brothers in combat
Veterans of LRRP units talk about how they got into the military, and took jobs in Long Range Recon — one of the most dangerous jobs in Vietnam.
By Staff Reports
Here’s your team, go get ‘em: Training for long range recon in Vietnam
Veterans of LRRP units talk about how they got into the military, and took jobs in Long Range Recon — one of the most dangerous jobs in Vietnam.
By Staff Reports
‘Tribal’ documentary ditches broad PTSD themes for raw vulnerability
'Tribal' is an intimate story of veteran search for identity, purpose and community.
By J.D. Simkins