The Army Corps of Engineers dedicated a pair of survey boats for Staff Sgt. Vernon W. Martin and Spc. Christopher J. Holland, two fallen soldiers with local ties to coastal Georgia.
"I think the [Maldives] marine corps is probably where we can help focus a lot of our efforts," said a 5th SFAB team leader. "They're the ones that will help respond to any crises that pop up in the country."
Inside their car, police said they found a Domino’s Pizza insulated carrier, piles of cash in different denominations, the pistol, gloves, a ski mask and an open folding knife.
Information gleaned from a recent brigade-size exercise will help determine what funding is needed by Alaska units to work for extended periods across the Arctic and in other cold-weather environments.
“We still have work to do to remove barriers that prevent every Airman from reaching his or her full potential, especially Airmen from racial or ethnic groups underrepresented in our Air Force or senior leader levels."
Commanders of maintainers have the authority to allow them to wear dark navy blue shorts instead of the Airman Battle Uniform or Operational Camouflage Pattern trousers.
The U.S. Naval Academy loaned it to the state in 1988 and planned to move it to the nonprofit Nauticus Museum, where the second USS Wisconsin is berthed as an exhibit.
Two soldiers remained hospitalized at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, including one who is in intensive care, Fort Bliss officials said in a statement.