A sow and one of her cubs remained inside the van for approximately 20 minutes. The reshuffling came with no explanation after the last defense minister resigned, dogged by reports of corruption within his ministry. By Illia Novikov, AP
16 months ago Readers applaud the call for a Congressional Gold Medal to honor the US Military Assistance Command Vietnam’s Studies and Observations Group, or MACV-SOG. By Military Times staff
16 months ago Dennis Austin had no way of knowing that his creation would be hijacked by head-exploding graphics-loving DoD personnel. Some lawmakers want individual votes on high-ranking military posts to ensure that the leadership gaps don't get worse. While the contents of the briefcase have changed over time, the mission remains the same - the immediate ability to launch nuclear weapons. Bells tolled at ground zero and solemn tributes unfolded across the country as Americans looked back on the horror and legacy of 9/11. Investigators estimate that the Veterans Benefits Administration “prematurely” approved thousands of claims. Capt. Larry Taylor risked his life to rescue a reconnaissance team that was about to be overrun by the enemy — facing almost certain death. The half-hour mission drained all their ammo and nearly their fuel in one of the most daring rescues of the Vietnam War. Load More