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US Marines start partial transfer from Okinawa to Guam
Tokyo and Washington agreed in 2012 to relocate about 9,000 of the 19,000 Marines stationed on Okinawa, including 4,000 to Guam in phases.
Most girls do not think they could succeed in the military: DOD data
In addition to fears among the youth surveyed, only one in five boys and one in 10 girls could name all six military services.
By Hope Hodge Seck
Navy expects to have first female submarine commander by 2028
Fourteen years after the Navy began integrating women into submarine crews, the population of enlisted women and officers in subs continues to grow.
By Hope Hodge Seck
Marines take steps to hack human performance with data
A new Marine Corps program aims to enhance lethality by using wearable data to improve every area — from sleep and stress level control to marksmanship.
By Hope Hodge Seck