Lt. Colonel Justin Constantine likes to joke that he will "never be Brad Pitt," but he's OK with that.
Constantine was the victim of a sniper's bullet while serving in the Al Anbar province of Iraq in 2006. He was hit in the back of the neck.
"It hit behind my ear and exploded out of my mouth. Causing a lot of damage," Constantine explains.
It has taken two dozen surgeries over the last eight years just to reconstruct his face.
Watch the video above to see the incredible progression of Constantine's recovery.
Through his own tough times, Constantine works to educate the public on how returning service men and women can still be productive members of society. Working with The Wounded Warrior Project, and with the help of his own website, he helps connect returning veterans with new careers on the home front with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Hiring Our Heroes Initiative.
Constantine admits he has his share of good and bad days since returning from service. One day in particular that sticks out in his mind is his wedding day. He and Dahlia Hamza met before he shipped out to Iraq and she rushed to his side after he was shot.
"Together as a team, we've come so far since I was injured," he explains.
They continue to work as a team to keep Constantine's new mission moving. On this Veterans Day, his hope is that all the men and women that are sent into battle have a place to call home when they get back.