Fisher House Foundation

Saying Thank You By Taking Action
It’s not enough to post on social media once a year to demonstrate to our friends and colleagues that we care, only to forget about it until the next.
Fisher House Foundation
Roberta Broomer
Roberta Broomer came to the Murfreesboro Fisher House for 10 years as a caregiver, supporting her father while also making deep connections with fellow guests.
A Decade Later Allen Family Gives Thanks
A decade after her husband was severely injured during his deployment to Afghanistan, Jessica Allen reflects on the decisions she says made her family more resilient.
Family finds comfort in Fisher House through decades
Thomas Queen and his wife, Michelle, knew each other from an early age. They started dating around the time Thomas began to have neurological episodes. Now, decades later, the couple has fought through multiple sclerosis and cancer treatments their whole married life, often staying at the D.C. Fisher House. The family talks about Thomas’s military service and the VA doctor who made the diagnosis that changed their lives.
Fisher House Foundation and the Department of Veterans Affairs are on track to open six new Fisher Houses across the U.S. in 2020, allowing more than 100 more families to stay in safe, comfortable lodging for free on any given night while their loved one undergoes care at VA medical centers.
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